Health Screening

High Cholesterol?
High Blood Pressure?
Pre Diabetes?
Family History Heart Attack, Stroke, Diabetes?
A Smoker?
Limited Exercise?
High Alcohol Intake?

Cardiovascular Disease remains the main cause of Death in Ireland.

Find Out Your Risk Today 


 Point of Care Testing


Point of Care Testing

Convenient, no waiting weeks for results.

Facilitates health management for early identification of Preventable Diseases

It allows for direct targeted action for prevention & treatments improving Your Health Outcomes.

**This testing is highly accurate with the Afinion 2 Analyzer**

Consultations are approx 30 mins where current & past medical history & genetic history are taken into account alongside lifestyle factors.

POCT is a minimally invasive procedure with instant results & advise

**Certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC)**

Take Control of Your Health

Early detection is key to optimising your health & Knowledge is power.

Understanding & knowing your health can help you identify Your risk of certain conditions, allowing you to prevent and/or maintain your health to optimal levels.

Early detection through POCT gives You Control over your health.

Having on the spot results means Your Health Prevention can start Today as you will receive dietary & lifestyle advice to guide you to optimising your health.

Where treatments may be necessary, with your consent, referrals will be sent to the appropriate Healthcare Professionals.


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