Toxin Cleansing Programme
Get Rid of Sneezing, Congestion, Headaches, Mood Swings, Irritability, Poor Memory, Itchy Eyes/Ears, Hair Loss, Pounding Hearbeat with our 14 Day Targeted Toxin Cleanse Programme
Get rid of mood swings, poor memory, fatigue, pounding heartbeat, headaches, congestion, sneezing, hair loss, itchy eyes/ears
The 14 day Toxin Cleansing Programme provides a targeted formula to help protect your body from oxidative stress and is suitable for a vast array of health issues such as sinus, blocked nose, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, depression. The programme will cleanse the body, increase your mineral and vitamin absorption, clear skin, aid weight loss & reduce symptoms of toxicity while improving your overall cellular health. Suitable for adults only & some supplements are not recommended if pregnant or breast feeding.

The programme uses a specific supplement regime alongside a low allergenic food plan to provide a targeted formula which will protect your body from oxidative stress. The comprehensive programme pack includes all supplements, food lists, shopping lists, menu planners, recipes, quick & easy meal ideas, a supplement protocol, FAQ’s & a workbook to document your progress.

How Does it Work?
The programme is divided into 3 sections
Days 1-6 & Days 10-14 where you consume 3 meals & 2 snacks including a metabolic drink which supports liver cleansing. Days 7-9 are liquid only days – this includes nourishing juices & soups (recipes included) & the metabolic drink.
Days 7-9 do not need to be liquid only, you can maintain the same diet for days 1-14 if you prefer. The only foods recommended to be omitted in this programme are allergenic foods listed in the programme.
You will score your toxic load before you commence the programme & again after completion.
What’s included In the TCP
- 1 initial consultation
- 1 review consultation on completion
- All Supplements
- Step by step instructions
- FAQs
- Food Suggestions
- Recipes
- Menu planner
- Detox resources
- FAQ’s
- Workbook to fill in to determine your progress

- The initial consultation determines your current health status to guide your plan on completion of your successful toxin clearance.
- The review consultation is to guide you to your steps on completion.