Corporate Diagnostic Health Screening
How would you like to attract new employees / retain current employees, increase productivity & reduce the costs of sick leave?
Rapid Results with Finger Tip Point of Care testing

How will Diagnostic Health Screening Improve your workforce?
Enabling your Employees to Optimise their Health & Well-Being allows them to build a self-awareness around their health, meaning they are in the best position to conduct their duties. After all, its your employees who are the 1st point of contact your customers have with your business.
Health 4 U, a Nurse & Nutritional Practitioner Led Service advocating Health Promotion & Prevention, offers Diagnostic Health Screening through Point of Care Testing (POCT).
What is Point of Care Testing?
Through finger tip testing, POCT provides rapid test results & enables highly accurate testing with the Afinion 2 Analyzer which has been certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program ( NGSP) and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC).
It has consistently shown a high degree of accuracy & performance matches, which in some cases, outperforms routine laboratory methods.
With rapid results, POCT means convenience, availability of results to facilitate health management and screening for early identification of preventable diseases. Having instant results also means direct targeted action for prevention and treatments, improving health outcomes for your staff & your company.

Screening Profiles
Gold Standard - Full Lipid Profile - TC, LDL, HDL, Trigs, Non-HDL, Chol/HDL ratio
Determines employees’ risk of heart disease and stroke.
Gold Standard - HbA1C
Determines employees’ risk of developing diabetes. Maintains blood sugar levels in those with pre-existing diabetes.
Inflammatory Markers
CRP - C-reactive protein
Indication of the level of inflammation within the body.
Haemoglobin Levels
Determines employees’ risk of anaemia.
Kidney Disease
Gold Standard - ACR - Albumin to creatinine ratio
Determines employees’ level of risk of kidney disease. This is a very important screening tool in those with pre-existing high blood pressure or diabetes.
What Happens?
– Health 4 U will provide this service onsite for your employees, meaning less time off to attend. Consultations can be tailored to meet the needs of your company and your employees; you can select from the packages below to what is best for your employees and company’s success.
– Consultations take 30 mins for each employee.
– POCT is performed through blood samples, taken through finger stick testing, and urine samples.
– Results range from 2 seconds to 7 minutes depending on which test is requested.
– Employees will answer medical questionnaires, have their BMI, Blood Pressure and heart rate recorded detecting for irregular rhythms such as Atrial Fibrillation.
– Targeted nutritional and lifestyle advice will then be provided, individualized to your employees on the spot results.
– Where required, a referral will be sent to their GP/Consultant for further investigations.
Why Choose Health 4 U
Choose from single profile testing to a package of 2 or more tests. For eg. choose a package with Cardiovascular & Diabetes screening or Cardiovascular, Diabetes & Iron levels.
Dendant on which tests you choose for your employees* Additional travel fees may apply to areas 25km outside of Cork city.